--- /dev/null
+### https://git.thekondor.net/?p=reset-trackpoint-fix.git (mirror: github.com/thekondor/reset-trackpoint-fix)
+.PHONY: help
+help: ## Show (this) help
+ @grep -E '^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+:.*?## .*$$' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*?## "}; {printf "\033[36m%-30s\033[0m %s\n", $$1, $$2}'
+.PHONY: install
+install: ## Install files
+ @test -f ${DESTDIR}/etc/reset-trackpoint-fix.conf || install -Dm644 reset-trackpoint-fix.conf ${DESTDIR}/etc/reset-trackpoint-fix.conf
+ @install -Dm755 reset-trackpoint-fix.sh ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin/reset-trackpoint-fix.sh
+ @install -Dm644 reset-trackpoint-fix.service ${DESTDIR}/etc/systemd/system/reset-trackpoint-fix.service
+.PHONY: uninstall
+uninstall: disable ## Remove installed files
+ @rm ${DESTDIR}/usr/bin/reset-trackpoint-fix.sh
+ @rm ${DESTDIR}/etc/systemd/system/reset-trackpoint-fix.service
+.PHONY: enable
+enable: ## Enable a service file to trigger resets
+ systemctl enable ${DESTDIR}/etc/systemd/system/reset-trackpoint-fix.service
+.PHONY: disable
+disable: ## Disable a service file
+ systemctl disable reset-trackpoint-fix.service
The script addresses a dead trackpoint/trackpad accordingly to [wiki page](https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Lenovo_ThinkPad_X1_Carbon_(Gen_6)#TrackPoint_and_Touchpad_issues) by disconnecting and reconnecting a broken SerIO device on resume.
+## Installation
+`make install` to install files.
+`make enable` to enable a service files to trigger reset on laptop resume.
+`make uninstall` to disable the service and clean installed files up.
## Configuration
- Uncomment and set a proper value in `/etc/reset-trackpoint-fix.conf`. Usually it is equal to `serio1`.
+### https://git.thekondor.net/?p=reset-trackpoint-fix.git (mirror: github.com/thekondor/reset-trackpoint-fix)
. /etc/reset-trackpoint-fix.conf
if [ -z "${DEVICE}" ]; then