import os
from os.path import isdir, join, isfile, abspath, dirname, \
realpath, splitext, relpath
-from subprocess import check_call, check_output, CalledProcessError, DEVNULL
-from shutil import which, copytree, copyfile
+from shutil import which
from shlex import quote as shell_quote
from collections import OrderedDict
from string import Template
from debocker.utils import cached_constant, cached_property, tmppath, \
calculate_md5_and_size, log_check_call, log_check_output
from debocker.log import log, LOW, fail
+from debocker.debian import extract_pristine_tar
__version__ = "0.2"
if which('docker') is None:
fail('docker is not available')
-def extract_pristine_tar(path, candidates):
- if which('pristine-tar') is None:
- log('No pristine-tar available.', LOW)
- return None
- try:
- tars = log_check_output([ 'pristine-tar', 'list' ], cwd = path)
- except CalledProcessError:
- log('Error in pristine-tar - giving up.', LOW)
- return None
- # let's hope that no non-utf8 files are stored
- thelist = tars.decode('utf-8').split()
- log('Pristine tarballs: {}'.format(thelist), LOW)
- matches = list(set(thelist) & set(candidates))
- if len(matches) > 0:
- m = matches[0]
- log("Found a match: '{}'.".format(m), LOW)
- log_check_call([ 'pristine-tar', 'checkout', m ],
- cwd = path, stderr = DEVNULL)
- try:
- src = join(path, m)
- dst = tmppath(m)
- copyfile(src, dst)
- log("Tarball extracted to '{}'.".format(dst), LOW)
- finally:
- os.unlink(src)
- return dst
- else:
- log('No matching pristine tar found.', LOW)
- return None
class Package:
def __init__(self, path):
--- /dev/null
+# debian-related functionality
+import os
+from shutil import which, copyfile
+from .log import log, LOW
+from .utils import log_check_call, log_check_output, \
+ tmppath, join
+from subprocess import CalledProcessError, DEVNULL
+def extract_pristine_tar(path, candidates):
+ if which('pristine-tar') is None:
+ log('No pristine-tar available.', LOW)
+ return None
+ try:
+ tars = log_check_output([ 'pristine-tar', 'list' ], cwd = path)
+ except CalledProcessError:
+ log('Error in pristine-tar - giving up.', LOW)
+ return None
+ # let's hope that no non-utf8 files are stored
+ thelist = tars.decode('utf-8').split()
+ log('Pristine tarballs: {}'.format(thelist), LOW)
+ matches = list(set(thelist) & set(candidates))
+ if len(matches) > 0:
+ m = matches[0]
+ log("Found a match: '{}'.".format(m), LOW)
+ log_check_call([ 'pristine-tar', 'checkout', m ],
+ cwd = path, stderr = DEVNULL)
+ try:
+ src = join(path, m)
+ dst = tmppath(m)
+ copyfile(src, dst)
+ log("Tarball extracted to '{}'.".format(dst), LOW)
+ finally:
+ os.unlink(src)
+ return dst
+ else:
+ log('No matching pristine tar found.', LOW)
+ return None