### TrueCrypt Extra root configuration ### This file is a part of `truecrypt-extra` ### ### (c) Andrew Sichevoi, http://thekondor.net ### Distributed in the terms of GNU GPL v3.0+ license ### ### The latest version is available on http://git.thekondor.net ### application: [common] ### description: specifies a path to TrueCrypt binary ### default : /usr/bin/truecrypt TRUECRYPT_BINARY=/usr/bin/truecrypt ### application: truecrypt-mount ### description: specifies user's root directory where all TC's volumes to are mounted in ### %username% is substituted with a name of the user ### default : /home/%username%/.mount/encrypted USER_MOUNT_ROOT=/home/%username%/.mount/encrypted ### application: truecrypt-mount ### description: specifies should be a newly mounted TC's volume immediately shown ### in the File Browser or not. ### default : true EXPLORE_MOUNTED_VOLUME=true ### application: truecrypt-mount ### description: specifies the way errors are reported while mounting TC's volumes. ### %error% is substituted with the real error message ### default : to the console, throuh /bin/echo ERROR_REPORTING_CHANNEL='/usr/bin/zenity --error --no-markup --title=TrueCrypt --text="%error%"' ### Alternative ways: ### ERROR_REPORTING_CHANNEL='/bin/echo %error%' ### ERROR_REPORTING_CHANNEL='/usr/bin/notify-send --app-name=TrueCrypt --icon=error "TrueCrypt mount error" "%error%"'